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Text File | 1992-04-27 | 50.9 KB | 1,190 lines |
- 1st I gotta tell some important detail about machincode I forgot
- to tell last time.
- MOVE.W label,d0 moves the first 2 bytes following the
- label. This should sound familiar to you.
- example:
- ( label1: dc.b $05,$e2,$34,$4a .....
- label2: dc.b 0,0,0,0....
- )
- move.w label1,label2 ; moves #$05e2 into the first word of label2
- move.l label1,label2 ; moves #$05e2344a into label2
- Right, this is nothing new, but now what I forgot to say:
- if you move something from the dataregisters or addressregisters,
- allways the rightmost part is taken !!
- example: d0 contains #$05e2344a
- move.w d0,label ; moves #$344a into label (and not #$05e2)
- move.b d0,label ; moves #$4a into label (and not #$05)
- move.b #$20,d0 ; moves #$20 into the rightmost byte of d0
- ; (the rest is unaffected)
- move.w #$20,d0 ; moves #$0020 into the rightmost word of d0
- ; (the rest is unaffected)
- same counts for addressregisters, but most of the time longwords
- are used here. (it's even impossible to move bytes into/from
- addressregisters, only words or longwords)
- I forgot to tell you this coz it is so 'normal' to me.
- Another instruction that I used in the mouse-source is EXT
- As you know, values are stored in BYTES, WORDS or LONGWORDS,
- and it is only because you tell the computer what size he must
- use, that he knows whether it is meant to be byte, word or longword.
- Value 5 will be written as #$05, #$0005 or #$00000005 depending
- on the size. This example is no big problem if you wanna move it:
- clr.l d0
- move.b label,d0
- move.l d0,d1
- label: dc.b 5
- the BYTE 5 will be moved into d0, and the LONGWORD 5 will be then
- moved into d1...
- BUT !!! Negative values make a problem, because a negative value is
- in fact not really negative... let's try to explain it with this
- example:
- #$06 + #$00 = #$06
- #$06 + #$ff = #$05 ( 6 - 1 = 5 !! #$ff = -1 )
- #$06 + #$fe = #$04 ( 6 - 2 = 4 !! #$fe = -2 )
- Now look what happens when we use WORDS:
- #$0006 + #$0000 = #$0006
- #$0006 + #$ffff = #$0005 ( 6 - 1 = 5 !! #$ffff = -1 )
- but: #$0006 + #$00ff = #$0105 ( #$00ff <> -1 !!)
- #$0006 + #$fffe = #$0004 ( 6 - 2 = 4 !! #$fffe = -2 )
- but: #$0006 + #$00fe = #$0104 ( #$00ff <> -2 !!)
- As you see : a negative BYTE is not a negative number as WORD.
- EXT makes from a negative BYTE a negative WORD: if the last bit
- (in a byte: 7th bit) is SET, ext will SET all bits left of it, so
- that #$fe will become #$fffffffe, and then you can use this value
- again as negative value)
- ------------------------
- You probably know that Amiga has, except for the Motorola 68000,
- some other 'custom-made' chips to perform tasks like graphic-
- handling, sound, disk-operations,... In demos, these are the most
- important things, so it's obvious that we'll have to access these
- chips to make demos. NOW that's why the hardware addresses (of which
- I told about all the time) are used. Imagine Agnus, Paula or Denise,
- (that's the names of the customchips) with the pins of the chip
- attached to each a hardware address. (that's not the real situation,
- but it gets close)
- These hardware registers start at the address $DFF000. If you refer
- to list nr 2 somewhere among the copies, you'll see all the addresses
- that are available. As said, each of these addresses is in fact a
- port to one of the customchips, but it's not interesting nor important
- to know which address belongs to which chip. Instead you just have
- to know their function, and this is what we're now gonna do.
- You can divide the special Amiga features into 6 parts:
- - BITPLANES (these are the screens with gfx)
- - COPPER (to put values in hardware registers when electronbeam of
- monitor reaches a given value)
- - BLITTER (to transfer/fill parts of memory and to draw lines, very
- fast!)
- - SPRITES (graphical objects that can be moved easily across screen)
- - DISK
- You already met the copper, probably you also know some other ones,
- but if not so, don't panic: everything will be explained later. Now
- just remember that they exist.
- Each of these parts can be accessed and used thru the hardware
- registers. If you want a sprite, you move certain values to certain
- registers. This way of programming is called DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS
- (DMA). The libraries of which I told you before are in fact meant to
- keep the programmer away from DMA, because DMA is hardware-related,
- and hardware can change (for example some Amiga500 demos don't work
- on an A1000, because they make use of changed hardware-parts)
- Another good example of the 'danger' of hardware programming is that
- most 'first-demos' of beginning programmers don't work on Amigas
- with extra memory, also because of the difference in hardware.
- But it's a bit too early to worry about this. Let's first go on
- with the important stuff.
- All registers have a length of 1 WORD !!! (16 bits)
- On page '!', you can see some names of registers, with numbers from
- 15 to 0, with each some explanation behind them. These are ofcourse
- the bits of the register. In some regs, each BIT has a function,
- which you can turn on/off by setting/clearing the corresponding bit.
- (that's why the binary notation of seka (%) could come in handy)
- (don't forget that the first bit is called 'bit 0', so 'bit 4' is in
- fact the fifth in the row)
- Most hardware registers can either be read from, or written into.
- For some functions you have a register to write into and another to
- read from. Writing in a 'read-only' register has no effects. However,
- reading from 'write-only' regs can cause strange effects, or even
- GURUS !! I'll attract your attention to this when the time is right.
- The DMA-members all have some 'WORKING' registers, which only are
- used for internal use, so we will never use them. They are marked
- with a '0' on the list.
- While reading this part, please take the list nr 2, plus the extra
- printed page marked with '!'
- Titles underlined with '-----' are register descriptions, lines with
- '*****' are DMA-part descriptions. A detailed description of each
- DMA-part is necescarry to understand the use of the registers.
- ------
- DMACON is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT register, coz with it you can
- switch the different DMA-actions (bitplane, copper...) on or off.
- Look at page '!', somewhere you'll see 'DMACON $096 (R $002)'...
- $096 means that this register is located at $dff000 (start of all
- registers) + $096 = $dff096. This is a write-only register. If
- you wish to know the value of it, you have to look in DMACONR, the
- read-only-equivalent of DMACON, and this one is at $dff002.
- Don't worry about the location, this is only as an example to
- interpret the numbers. Don't go learning all registers by heart !!
- When you start a demo, first thing you have to do is tell the
- computer which 'DMA-channels' you're gonna use. For example if you
- not intend to use music, it's best to turn off the AUDIO-DMA.
- As told before, in some registers, each bit has aits own function,
- and the DMACON is one of them. Each DMA channel has its own bit.
- (see '!' page)
- A possibility to turn a DMA channel on or off could be: move a bit
- 1 to the channel you want to use, and a 0 to the not used channels,
- but if you thought that it was that easy, you're wrong !! The DMA-
- register is a bit more complex:
- The DMACON uses a special bit: bit nr 15 is the set/clear-bit.
- You move a word (16 bits) to DMACON, let's call this word X
- (read this sentence carefully:)
- If bit 15 of X is SET (1), all other bits with value 1 in X will be
- SET in the register. If bit 15 of X is CLEAR (0), all bits with
- value 1 in X will be CLEARED in the register. In both cases, the
- bits of X with value 0 are not considered.
- Example:
- bit:1 8 0
- 5
- MOVE.W #%1000000001011000,$dff096
- bit 6,4 and 3 will be SET in the register
- MOVE.W #%0000100110110001,$dff096
- bit 11,8,7,5,4 and 0 will be CLEARED...
- On page '!' you can see a short explanation for each bit of DMACON.
- bits 0 thru 8 represent each a DMA channel (disk, audio, copper...)
- A 1 for these bits means this function is turned on, a 0 means not.
- However, there is a special bit: bit 9 is used as MAIN SWITCH. If
- this bit is zero, ALL channels are turned off no matter what their
- value is. So to activate a certain DMA channel, you must turn on
- both bits 9 and the bit corresponding to the DMAchannel you want.
- (bits 13 & 14 aren't used to write, only to read. Bit 10 is used
- rarely, 11 and 12 have no function)
- Now let's give some examples:
- - turn off diskDMA:
- - turning off means: bit 15 is zero
- - disk dma is bit 4
- so: move.w #%0000000000010000,$dff096
- - turn on copper- and blitter DMA:
- - turning on means: bit 15 is ON (1)
- - copper is bit 7, blitter is bit 6
- - to be sure to have the mainswitch turned on, we'll set
- this bit too. (bit 9)
- so: move.w #%1000001011000000,$dff096
- THAT WAS A DESCRIPTION OF DMACON... I hope not each register will
- need this much explanation...
- ******
- The copper is in fact a very small processor, as you saw in the
- examples of last time. It can perform instructions in form of
- numbers. You should see these instructions like the ones in M68000
- language. The only difference is that you can write the 68000
- instructions as 'commands' (move...), and the assembler converts
- them into numbers. There could also be an assembler for the copper-
- instructions, but until then, we'll just have to write the numbers
- ourselves... This is not too hard, coz a copper can only handle 2
- (in fact 3, but 1 is never used) instructions. (inagine the 68000
- with only 'move' and 'jmp' (also see example sources last time).
- The copper-'instructions' are put into the copper-source, mostly
- called copperlist. To start the copper with executing this list,
- you need certain hardware registers, namely:
- ------- ------- -------
- The ones between brackets are for later. Now we'll only see the
- 3 most important ones. For the addresses please refer to the lists.
- I use the names instead of the addresses, only because it is more
- understandable. If you want to use one of these registers in a source
- you should declare them somewhere in the souce, like:
- COP1LCH=$dff080
- The 'preprocessor' will then, at assembling time, replace all words
- 'COP1LCH' by the address $dff080. You can ofcourse also write the
- address yourself, which makes it a bit harder to follow.
- COP1LCH and COP1LCL: notice the H and L at the end of the names.
- You'll see this very often in the hardwareregs. H means HIGH and
- L means (obviously) LOW. Each time you'll come across such a pair
- of registers, they will contain some ADDRESS. (As you know, an
- address is 32 bits long = longword = 2 WORDS, that's why 2 registers
- are needed) the ...H contains the leftmost 16 bits of the address,
- (the highest bits) and the ...L contains the 16 rightmost bits.
- Since the ...H and ...L words are next to eachother in memory, it will
- suffice to write a LONGWORD into the ...H - word, causing the highest
- word of the longword to be put in the ...H word, and the lower word
- into the ...L word.
- let's suppose 'copperlist:' is at $2a000
- MOVE.L #copperlist,COP1LCH
- $0002a000 ---> $0002 $a000
- COPJMP1 is somewhat a special register. By moving ANY value into it,
- it starts the copperlist located at the address in COP1LC L/H
- These kinds of registers are called 'STROBE' registers. The fact that
- there is a value written in it is enough to activate them. The value
- itself doesn't matter. (clr.w copjmp1 would also be enough)
- ( There was an explanation of the copper-instructions in one of the
- sources from last time, but here's a summary:
- Each instruction is 2 words. (or 1 longword)
- The wait instruction WAITS for the electronbeam of the monitor to
- reach a certain point, then it goes on with the next intruction.
- A wait instruction has the following format:
- dc.w $<vvhh>,$FFFE
- <vv> represent the number of the line for which to wait. <hh> is
- the horizontal position, but only odd number are allowed.
- ex: dc.w $2a0f,fffe waits for line $2a, position $0f
- PLEASE NOTE: the screen starts (horizontally) at $0f and ends at $df
- so a dc.w $100f,$fffe waits for the leftmost side on line $10
- and dc.w $10df,$fffe waits for the rightmost side on line $10
- THE MOVE INSTRUCTION moves a value (1 WORD) into a hardware register.
- Since all hardware regs have the same 'base' ($dff000), only the
- offset is given in the copperinstruction, for example a $dff180
- will become $0180, $dff096 will become $0096.
- dc.w $0180,$0fff will move the word #$0fff into datareg $dff180.
- You could ofcourse also write : dc.l $01800fff
- )
- WARNING: Copper is the easiest DMA-member. If you think this is pure
- non-sense, I advise you not to read on, coz it's NOT getting
- better !!
- *********
- A bitplane is in fact a piece of memory that is made visible on the
- screen. If you look at the current screen, you should see it as
- a piece of memory, with the contents of this memory (the bytes)
- making up the picture on the screen. That's also why they're called
- bitplanes... A screen has a width and a height, width should be a
- multiple of 16 bits. Bytes of memory are put next to eachother
- on one line, until the right side of the screen is reached,
- the next bytes will make up the next line of the screen and
- so on until the whole screen is filled. Already you know
- how much memory a picture will use: width (bytes) * height.
- You are free to select the width (in steps of 2 bytes) and the height
- of the displayed bitmap. This has several consequences: if you,
- lateron, make a picture which is 320 bits wide, 40 bytes will be
- shown next to eachother (320/8). Byte number 41 will be the first on
- line 2. If you now display this same picture with a width of 336
- bits (42 bytes) the picture will look very silly, because on the
- first 2 bytes which should be on the second line, will now be the
- last 2 bytes on the first line, and so on...
- Each pixel on a screen is related to a bit, somewhere in a byte,
- somewhere in memory. If the bit is set, the pixel is 'lit'. If the
- bit is not set, the pixel is 'dark'. Now you see: in one bit you
- can't put much information, especially when you got 4096 colors to
- choose from, 1 bit isn't enough to tell exactly in what color you
- want to display this pixel. That's why we can put more planes on
- top of eachother. See page '1' in the copies. If you put 2 planes
- on top of eachother, a pixel of the 1st plane can be on or off, same
- for a pixel on plane 2. This way you can create 4 combinations:
- 0&0, 1&0, 0&1, 1&1. The number of combinations is always 2^x, with
- x the number of planes you use. For 8 colors you'll need 3 planes,
- (2^3 = 8) Now to get 4096 combinations, you would need 12 bitplanes...
- This is ofcourse a bit too much for 512 Kram of memory. That's why
- there is the pallette. In it, you can define 32 colors, which you can
- choose from the available 4096 colors.
- You need 5 bits to make 32 combinations, which means to display 32
- colored pictures, you need 5 planes. (see pages '1')
- There are different resolutions. Amiga 500 has 4 resolutions:
- 320 bits per line or 640 bits per line, and 256 or 512 lines.
- The lowest resolution is 320 x 256 (LO-RES), 640x256 is called
- MED-RES or WORKBENCH, the '512 lines' resolutions are called
- INTERLACED,(this is a term from the TV-world) Because of some reasons,
- the screen flickers when amiga displays 512 lines. In fact he first
- displays the odd lines, then the even ones. 640x512 is the highest
- possible resolution. In this mode, only 16 colors are possible because
- the AMIGA is not fast enough to fill the whole screen in time with
- more colors. (I got sum lists with needed cycles per plane and per
- resolution, but they're boring - ask if you'ld want to know anyway)
- Now I told almost everything about the basic bitplanes. There's some
- more to tell but let's first show you the registers that can be
- addressed to 'set up' bitplanes:
- ...
- 7) BPLCON0
- 8) BPLCON1
- 9) BPLCON2
- 13) COLOR00 -> COLOR32
- This is ofcourse quite a bit. You can do lots of things with these
- bitplanes, and therefore, all these registers are needed.
- 1-6) The first 6 pairs contains the startaddresses of the 6 possible
- bitplanes. (In normal mode, only 5 are possible, but later you'll
- see that special modes (like HAM, EHB and DUAL PLAYFIELD) can use
- 6 planes)
- If you have loaded a picture into memory at location 'pic:', you must
- tell that to the grafixchips by giving them the address of the first
- byte in this picture. Again there are 2 registers, because an address
- is 2 words long, and a register is only 1 word long.
- If you have more than one bitplane, you must also write the startaddress
- of the other planes in the according registers.
- It is usual that the bitplane-registers are put in the copperlist
- because in nearly each demo, more bitplanes are used on 1 screen,
- just like the example-demo on the disk. The top part of the screen
- is a picture in lo-res, and the bottom part is another picture with
- the scroller (located somewhere else in memory, so other bitplane-
- addresses will be needed). This is a typical problem for the copper:
- you tell him to put the picture starting from line 30 (for example)
- and the scroll starting at line 200.
- This brings us to a rather large problem: in the previous examples
- we MOVED the whole address of the copperlist to the 2 registers
- containing the high and low word of the address:
- MOVE.L #label,$REG-HIGH
- At the assembling of this source, the computer would assign an address
- to 'label' and 'replace' the TEXT 'label' with this address, so it
- would in fact look like this:
- MOVE.L #$32a14,$REG-HIGH
- This would result in REG-HIGH containing the highword of the address
- ($0003) and REG-LOW containing the low word.($2a14)
- IN the copperlist, this address is torn in 2 pieces:
- DC.W $REG-HIGH,$0003,$REG-LOW,$2a14
- ^^ ^^
- But since we aren't allowed to use fix addresses, we can't write our
- programs like this last example... ALWAYS USE LABELS !!
- How do we tell the copperlist what the lowword and the highword is
- of our label, if we don't know it ourself ??
- Well, there is only one way around this problem, and that is the
- following: before we start with the real demo, we put a routine
- that calculates the 'highwords and lowwords' that we will use in
- the copperlist. At this moment, the computer already assigned
- addresses to the labels, and so HE knows them. Now let's give a
- detailed example:
- - We have a picture, it starts at label 'pic:'
- - In our copperlist, we will need a line with the registers
- BPL1PTH and BPL1PTL (we will only use 1 plane now)
- this line will look like this:
- dc.w $00e0,<HHHH>,$00e2,<LLLL>
- $00e0 and $00e2 are the BPL1PT registers (see list)
- HHHH is the highword of the address assigned to 'pic:' and LLLL is
- the lowword. Again: WE DON'T KNOW THE ADDRESS OF 'PIC:' until the
- program is running !!
- start: move.l #pic,d0 ;1
- move.w d0,lowword ;2
- swap d0 ;3
- move.w d0,highword ;4
- ....
- ;----------------------
- pic: blk.b picsize,0
- copperlist: ....
- dc.w $00e0
- highword: dc.w $0000 ;5
- dc.w $00e2
- lowword: dc.w $0000 ;6
- ....
- Explanation: in line 1 we move the address of the picture (which
- at the moment of execution is known by the computer) to a data-
- register.(Notice that we moved a LONGWORD, because it is and address)
- Line 2 moves the LOWEST WORD of the dataregister to the label
- 'LOWWORD'. At this label, we reserved 1 word to put this value in.
- (line 6). The next instruction (line 3) is SWAP Dx. This instruction
- switches the words from a dataregister, so that the highword now
- becomes lowword and vice versa. If we then again do a move.w, the
- word that we move is in fact the HIGHWORD of the address. That should
- be clear enough ?? Examine this example until you get it !! It is
- indispendable because we will use it very often !! If you understand it
- completely, we could try the same program written in a bit different
- way:
- lea.l plane,a0
- move.l #pic,d0
- move.w d0,6(a0)
- swap d0
- move.w d0,2(a0)
- ....
- copperlist:
- ....
- plane: dc.w $00e0,$0000,$00e2,$0000
- The results of this source are completely the same. Try to find out
- how it's done in this case !
- If you use a second plane, the startaddress of this one would be
- put in BPL2PTH and -L. The planes are usually right after eachother
- in memory. If again, the first plane starts at 'pic:', how do you
- calculate the start of the second plane ? In fact it is easy: you
- take the width of the picture, let's say it's 320 bits, equal to 40
- BYTES. If your piccy is 256 lines high, the total amount of bytes in
- ONE plane is 40 x 256, is 10240 bytes. In hexadecimal notation,
- this is #$2800. The start of the second plane would be 'pic:'+$2800
- The third plane 'pic:'+ 2*$2800 and so on...
- lea.l plane,a0
- move.l #pic,d0 ; 1st plane
- move.w d0,6(a0) ;
- swap d0 ;
- move.w d0,2(a0) ;
- move.l #pic+$2800,d0 ; 2nd plane
- move.w d0,14(a0) ;
- swap d0 ;
- move.w d0,10(a0) ;
- ... ; and so on
- You should take special care of the offsets: the 14 before the (a0)
- means that the moved word will be put 14 bytes behind the label
- 'plane:'
- plane: dc.w $00e0,$0000 ; plane 1, high word
- dc.w $00e2,$0000 ; plane 1, low word
- dc.w $00e4,$0000 ; plane 2, high word
- dc.w $00e6,$0000 ; plane 2, low word
- After assembling, memory looks this way: (in seka: qplane)
- mem.cont's: 00 e0 00 00 00 e2 00 00 00 e4 00 00 00 e6 00 00
- offset: 0 1 / 2 3 / 4 5 / 6 7 / 8 9 / 10 11 /12 13 /14 15
- As you see: at 14(a0) is $0000, it's the place we reserved to put
- the low word of the second plane. If you are not sure of what ofset
- you will have to take, just count as in this example. If you take a
- wrong offset (for example 12) you would overwrite another part of
- the copperlist, which could have strange effects. (like flashing
- red bars)
- 7) BPLCON0
- -------
- This is the main 'control'-register for the bitplanes. In it you
- can say how many bitplanes you're gonna use, and what resolution.
- Other things like HAM, EHB and DPF are also declared here, but that's
- for later. If you want to use 5 planes, you must put this value in
- bits 14 to 12 of BPLCON0. 5 planes is binary #%101, so the BPLCON0
- would look like this:
- #%0101000000000000 ; 5 planes activated.
- ^ ^ ^
- 14 12 0 <- bitnumber
- A consequence of declaring 5 planes in CON0 is that you have to
- write addresses in BPL1PTH/L, BPL2PTH/L until BPL5PTH/L.
- Other bits in this register are explained on the !-page...
- If you want to turn on hires (640 wide), set the 15th bit.
- " " " " " " interlace (512 lines) set the 2nd bit etc...
- Bits 0 and 4 to 7 have no function. You'll probably never use 1,3,8
- 9 and 10. (I never did)
- 8-9) In BPLCON1 and BPLCON2 you can declare some more things for your
- bitplanes, they will be discussed later.
- 10) DDFSTART and DDFSTOP are used to change the width of the picture.
- As said, you can change the width in steps of 2 bytes. You do this
- by moving certain values in DDFSTART and -STOP. (DDF means: DISPLAY
- DATA FETCHT). These values are somewhat unlogical to me. There are
- sophisticated formulas to calculate the DFFSTART and STOP values,
- but just remember this: DFFSTART is the left side of the screen.
- It should at least be #$28. If you use sprites (later) this value
- must be at least #$38 (because of internal timing, I'll tell you more
- later) DDFSTOP should be maximum #$d8. Change DDFSTART/STOP only in
- steps of #$8. (#$28, #$30, #$38... #$c0,#$c8,#$d0,#$d8)
- - FOR A NORMAL SCREEN (320 wide), DDFSTART is #$38 and DDFSTOP is #$d0
- see page '!'
- 11) DIWSTART and DIWSTOP are used to 'hide' the outer parts of the
- screen. Using these registers it's possible to make a screen of
- for example 321 bits wide (no multiple of 2 bytes). In fact this
- is only fake, the screen still is a multiple of 2 bytes wide, but
- you hide a part of it. Same thing is for vertical 'hiding'.
- I never use these registers, but it's best to declare them in your
- demos (other programs could have changed them). Just put the values
- in them which are on the '!' page. With these values, the complete
- screen is visible (no hidden parts)
- 12) Modulo is a special feature of Amiga (and probably other graphical
- miracles). This is not only used in Bitplane but you'll encounter it
- later again when we're at the BLITTER. Now what is MODULO ?
- If you have a picture which is 320 bits wide, it's perfectly possible
- to show it on screen: one screen can easily display 40 bytes next to
- eachother. It's ofcourse harder to display 1000 bytes on 1 row, but
- that's where the modulo enters the scene. Theoretically spoken, if
- Amiga builds a screen, consequent bytes from memory are put next to
- eachother until the line is filled (DDFSTART/STOP values define the
- number of bytes on a row). Then the modulo-value is added to the
- address, and then the next line is filled with the following bytes.
- An example: if the modulo is '2', and your screen is 40 bytes wide,
- there will be 40 bytes from memory next to eachother on line one,
- then 2 bytes will be skipped, and the next 40 bytes wil fill up
- line 2, again 2 bytes are skipped, etc... this way you are able to
- display a (part of) picture of ANY width (in steps of 2 bytes) even
- if it's 10000 bytes wide. An example might help:
- Now you might ask: why are there 2 modulo registers ? Good question
- It has to do with the 'dual playfield modus' which you also find in
- BPLCON0. With this mode you can define 2 completely independent
- screens, with both maximum 3 planes. That's why there are 6 planes
- available, and that's also why you have 2 modulo registers. If you
- don't use Dual playfield, just put the same value in both registers.
- 13) Finally, the easiest part: colors. As said before, you can define a
- pallette containing 32 colors out of the possible 4096 colors
- (confer DPaint,...) The values of these colors are put into the
- registers COLOR00 until COLOR31. See also page '1' in the listings.
- You don't have to know more about this if you make your pictures
- with Dpaint, but it might be interesting to know how the colors are
- related to the patterns of bits in the planes:
- if the on-top-of-eachother-laying bits of the different planes are
- all 0, COLOR00 will be visible. A completely 'empty' picture will
- therefore always be displayed in this color. If only the bit of
- plane 1 is set, this dot will be in COLOR01... Don't worry, because
- Dpaint will worry for you... Later we will see how to import a
- DPAINT picture into your own demos, with colors and everything !!
- -------
- To get a better view of all this bitplane stuff, I advise you to
- experiment with the Graphicsearcher, which is on the 'CODER-TOOLS'
- the disk I sent last time. Pressing 1 to 5 will start/hold one of
- the 5 planes. By moving planes on top of eachother (cursor keys)
- you might be able to reconstruct a picture that could still be
- somewhere in memory (=ripping) press [ and ] to change DDFSTOP.
- Press . and / to change the MODULO. Press + and - to change the
- number of planes in the picture. Press F10 to exit.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Delucepaint saves it's pictures in the IFF-format. This is nice coz
- most other programs can use these format too. In this format are
- much information about the picture: the size, the # of colors, the
- 'cycling' of the colros and more stuff. Also, IFF pictures are
- CRUNCHED (packed) to gain some diskspace. We don't need most of this
- and it would cause too much programming to DECRUNCH the pictures, so
- we will always CONVERT iff-pictures into RAW pictures. On the disk
- is an IFF-CONVERTER, which does this for us. It will write a file
- which contains only the bytes belonging to the picture (shape) and
- if you desire, some extra words containing the color-values.
- You simply LOAD the IFF picture with the 'load' gadget. Then you set
- the gadget to RAW-NORM and SAVE. (don't forget to change the name if
- you want to keep the IFF picture)
- You can include the colors in this RAW picture, in 2 different ways:
- BEFORE or BEHIND. BEFORE will first write the colors (# of colors *
- 2 bytes) (5 planes = 64 bytes extra) and THEN save the picture data,
- BEHIND wil append the colors BEHIND the picture data. See example
- in the demo. When doing this kind of conversion, you should remeber
- somehow what the size of your picture is, I mostly put the size in
- the name, like this: logo.40x100x3 which means 40 bytes wide, 100
- lines high, 3 planes. The amount of bytes you must reserve for this
- picture (if you included the colors BEFORE) is:
- 40 * 100 * 3 (picture data)
- 2^depth (# col (words))
- so in a source we'ld get something like this:
- WIDTH= 40 ; bytes
- HEIGHT= 100 ; lines
- DEPTH= 3
- NUMOFCOL= 2^DEPTH ; words !!
- colors: blk.w NUMOFCOL
- pic: blk.b PICSIZE
- >extern "picname",colors
- ( or for 'RAW/BEHIND':
- pic: blk.b PICSIZE
- colors: blk.w NUMOFCOL
- >extern "picname",pic
- )
- *******
- Sprites are nice because they don't need much programming, and
- they're pretty fast, but there are several limitations to them too.
- I don't use them often, only for some boring stars, or for mouse-
- pointer (which is a sprite too!)
- The most important limitation is that a sprite can only be 1 word
- wide. That's really a bad thing. Also you can only make sprites
- with 8 colors (normally only 4, but there's a special mode to
- combine 2 sprites into 1, see later)
- I guess you already knew what a sprite is: a graphical object,
- some kind of mini-bitplane, which can be moved across the normal
- bitplane (the screen). Look at the mousepointer to see an example.
- Sprites, like normal bitplanes, have more planes to select the
- several colors. Since a sprite can (under normal circomstances)
- have 4 colors, 2 planes are needed (see bitplane explanation)
- But where bitplane-planes were beneath eachother (first the first
- plane, then the second and so on...), sprites-bitplanes are different:
- first a word of the 1st plane, then a word of the second, then again
- one of the 1st plane... Since a sprite is only one word wide, this
- is no big deal to code: this is a normal way of drawing a sprite:
- dc.w %0000000000000000,%1111111111111111
- dc.w %0000000000000000,%1000000000000001
- dc.w %0000110000110000,%1000000000000001
- dc.w %0000110000110000,%1000100000010001
- dc.w %0010000000000100,%1000000110000001
- dc.w %0001100000011000,%1000000000000001
- dc.w %0000011111100000,%1000000000000001
- dc.w %0000000000000000,%1111111111111111
- .... ....
- ^^ ^^
- data of 1st plane data of 2nd plane
- The sprites have no own palette (see bitplanes) but they
- use the color register 'color16' to 'color31'.
- spritenumber 1st 2nd plane displayed color
- 0 & 1 0 0 color00 (transparant)
- 1 0 color17
- 0 1 color18
- 1 1 color19
- 2 & 3 0 0 color00 (transparant)
- 1 0 color21
- 0 1 color22
- 1 1 color23
- 4 & 5 0 0 color00 (transparant)
- 1 0 color25
- 0 1 color26
- 1 1 color27
- 6 & 7 0 0 color00 (transparant)
- 1 0 color29
- 0 1 color30
- 1 1 color31
- When you turned on Bitplane-DMA (in the DMACON (see earlier)) you
- had to decalre the BPLxPTH & BPLxPTL, for each plane you used.
- Same thing counts for sprites: If you use them, you must tell where
- the data for the sprites is in memory, using similar registers as
- SPR0PTH & SPR0PTL contain the address of the sprite0-data.
- ... ...
- SPR7PTH & SPR7PTL contain the address of the data for the last sprite.
- However: you must fill in ALL these registers, even if you only use
- 1 sprite.
- The sprite data does not only contain the shape of the 'mini bitplanes'
- but also the position on the screen and the height of the sprite:
- This is how the complete sprite-structure looks like:
- dc.w xxxx,yyyy
- dc.w %00000000,%00000000 ; the shape of the 2 planes
- dc.w %00000000,%00000000 ; can be anything
- .... ...
- dc.l 0 ; longword zero to end
- the first 2 words are the 'controlling words' they control the
- position and the height.
- There are 9 bits to declare the horizontal & vertical position of
- a sprite. These bits are a bit strangely spread over the 2 words
- xxxx and yyyy:
- xxxx: bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- meaning: V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 H8 H7 H6 H5 H4 H3 H2 H1
- yyyy: bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- meaning: L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 L0 AT 0 0 0 0 V8 L8 H0
- V8-V0: 9 bits for the vertical start position (1st line)
- H8-H0: 9 bits for the horizontal position.
- L8-L0: 9 bits for the vertical end position (last line)
- AT: attach-bit (if this is set, 2 sprites are combined into 1
- giving 8 possible colors. Sprites combined as: 0&1, 2&3...)
- V8,L8 & H0 are separated from the rest of their bits, and this
- causes some extra programming: if the sprite is over line 256,
- the V8-bit is set, bit H0 will change each time you move it 1 pixel
- to left or right, V8 will be 1 when the sprite is over line
- 256-length.
- So now the computer has the vertical startposition of the sprite.
- When the electronbeam of the monitor reaches this line, the computer
- will take a word from the data and put it on screen, then going to
- the next line and so on, until the last line (L-bits) is reached.
- If the next 2 data words are both ZERO, the DMA-channel for this
- sprite is turned off, so the cpu can start doing something else.
- If they are NOT zero, the story starts all over: the next 2 words
- will be controlling words which contain another position, and then
- another part of datawords will follow, until the last 2 words are
- zero:
- dc.w $10xx,$12yy ; vstart=$10,vend=$12
- ; (2 lines high)
- dc.w %00000000,%00000000 ; 2 lines of data
- dc.w %00000000,%00000000 ; (can be anything)
- dc.w $13xx,$15yy ; not zero -> new sprite
- dc.w %00000000,%00000000 ; again some datalines
- dc.w %00000000,%00000000 ; (can be anything)
- dc.l 0 ; longword zero to end
- This way you can put more sprites on screen with in fact only
- one sprite. The only thing that is necessary is that the vertical
- position of the next sprite must always be 1 more than the end-
- line of the previous one, (to give the CPU time to read the 2
- controlling words), so in the example sprite 1b starts at $13 where
- sprite 1a ended at $12. (I say sprite 1a and 1b and not 1 and 2, coz
- in fact they are only 1 sprite)
- This very neat feature of sprites is often used to create starfields
- in demos etc. What you see is only 1 sprite, with more controlling
- words. Note that between each star will be one empty line, because
- of reasons explained here. Using some copperinstructions (wait for
- certain line and change spritecolor) you can give a different color
- to each 'subsprite' and by changing the horizontal position each
- time, you can smoothly scroll each star with it's own speed, creating
- a nice eefect of depth. (see demonstration on disk)
- Sprites are also often used for mousepointers. By reading 2 registers
- in memory (see soon) you can calculate the position of the mouse-
- pointer, and calculate the appropriate values for the controlling-
- words in the sprite-data. This is somewhat more difficult because the
- bits of the horizontal and vertical position are strangely spread,
- but there's an example of a mouse-routine on the disk. Here you will
- see how to calculate the bits depending on the position of the
- mouse.
- ****************
- Mouse: JOY0DAT ($dff00a)
- Joyst: JOY1DAT ($dff00c)
- -------
- bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0
- first byte (Y7-Y0): vertical movement (delta Y)
- secnd byte (X7-X0): horizontal movement (delta X)
- As said, there's an example on disk. Please check out this to get
- the picture. Don't worry if you don't get it, you won't need it
- often I suppose.
- The next thing however will be in nearly each program you'll write:
- BLITTER !!! (yeah the famous one who writes 1.000.000 data per second)
- ***********
- The blitter is one hell of a miniprocessor, which can be used to
- copy memory, or to draw lines, at VVEEEERRRY rapid speeds. I can
- however at this point tell you that speed is very relative, and
- once you're making serious demos, this VEEERYY rapid speed will soon
- turn out to be not so fast at all, but remember: it's no wizardry,
- it's only a chip !!
- How does the blitter work: via some registers you first tell him
- some details about what you're gonna do: whether you're gonna draw
- lines or copy memory, which modulo etc, (see later) Finally you
- tell him the size of the whole thing and by doing this you activate
- him. He starts copying or drawing a line. The nice thing is that you
- don't have to wait until he's ready: the CPU can go on with other
- instructions. However, before you can start another blitter-task,
- you must be sure to finish the last one, and this is done by checking
- the 14th bit in DMACON (see page '!' - blitter busy) when this bit
- is set, the blitter is still busy, so the subroutine 'WAITBLITTER:'
- will look like this:
- waitblitter:
- btst #14,$dff002
- bne.s waitblitter
- rts
- Now about the blitter: the drawing of lines is quite difficult, I
- only tried it once, and I have to admit: I copied the routine from
- a book and I didn't get all of it, so don't ask me to explain it.
- Instead I'll try to make clear the copying abilities of the blitter,
- which won't look to simple neither at the beginning... I'll put the
- drawline routine somewhere on the disk if I still have it...
- First: Blitter can combine several inputs into one output. You can
- specify 3 sources and one destination. You can turn each one on or
- off.
- Second: (and this is a touch one!) did you ever hear of BOOLEAN
- MATHEMATICS ?? If so, that would be nice, but in case you didn't,
- here is some brief explanation: We count with 2 numbers (you guessed
- right) 0 and 1. 0 means 'NOT TRUE' (or NOT SET) and 1 means 'TRUE'
- (OR SET). We have 3 operations: AND, OR and NOT. X OR Y = Z (try
- putting it in words, and it becomes 'normal': if X is TRUE, OR Y is
- TRUE, then Z is TRUE. X AND Y = Z: X AND Y have to be true to make Z
- true.If a or b is not true, c will be false too. NOT A = B: If A is
- true, B will be false and vice versa. You can also make combinations:
- (NOT A) AND (B OR C) = D
- (A OR (NOT B)) AND (C AND (B OR (NOT(A OR B)))....
- After a few hours of theory, you'll find out that each of these
- functions can be written in a number of 'MINITERMS', which only use
- the AND operation. These miniterms make the functions 'easier'.
- With A,B and C and the AND function, we can make lotsa combinations:
- A true AND B not true, and C true, and so on... You can by now tell
- me how many combinations there are using 3 of these 'bits' ? yes: 8 !
- In other words: With 3 bits, we can make 8 miniterms:
- --------------------- ---
- set set set 111
- set set not set 110
- set not set set 101
- set not set not set 100
- not set set set 011
- not set set not set 010
- not set not set set 001
- not set not set not set 000
- Now to come back at the blitter: A,B and C are parts of memory,
- where bits can be SET or NOT SET. The destination is D. Memory from
- locations at A,B and C will be combined into a piece of memory at
- location D, using sets of combinations: the miniterms.
- In register BLTCON are 8 bits who represent each a miniterm of the
- list above. If one of them bits is set, the destination bit will be
- set if that particular combination is achieved in the sources.
- Let's give an example, first an easy one:
- if you want to copy memory from location A to location D, you just
- say: if A is set, then D is set !! If A is not set, D isn't set
- neither. B and C aren't used in this case, so their value (set or
- not set) aren't important.
- D is 1 'IF A=1'
- D is 1 when A=1 AND B=1 AND C=1
- or A=1 AND B=1 AND C=0
- or A=1 AND B=0 AND C=1
- or A=1 AND B=0 AND C=0
- The miniterms in this case will be:
- (111) (110) (101) and (100)
- And yes: in each case, A is set !! (ain't that fascinating ?)
- Please try this example:
- which combinations are needed when you wish to put a pixel at each
- place where the B-bit is not set and the A bit is equal to the C bit ?
- You should find the following:
- B bit is not set -> only these combinations remain:
- 101,100,001,000
- A = C so we get the result:
- 101 and 000
- Or this (and this combination is often used when making BOBS - see
- later ?):
- You want to set the destination when A is set, OR when B is set but
- C is not set. "A OR (B AND NOT C)"
- This is true whenever the A bit is set, so: 111,110,101,100
- And also when B is set while C is not set : 110,010
- (110 happens to occurs twice, but that's no problem, just use'm once)
- Together we'll have to set the miniterms: 111,110,101,100,and 010
- As you see you can make quite complex comparisions using this in fact
- simple (even prehistorical) boolean-stuff. It is because it is
- so simple that it is so fast. No speed is lost by doing these calculations
- Imagine what time it would take if you had to write a program to do
- the same for EACH BIT !! Blitter can put about one million bits per
- second !!
- ------
- As in the bitplanes and sprites, here too you must tell the start-
- addresses of both Sources (A B and C) and Destination memory (D).
- Each have their own pair of registers: (see list for values)
- One problem: Blitter can only work with WORDS, so each of these
- addresses must have an even value (but if you gave an odd one,
- he'ld adjust it himself)
- -------
- This register has 2 functions. As the name says, it contains the
- size of the blitted (copied) part of memory. This size has a height
- and a width. (Now when reading the next bit, it would be nice if you
- understood the bitplane-stuff, like how a screen is built up and
- why exactly MODULO is used) For example you want to copy a part from
- a 40 bytes wide screen, onto another screen of 42 bytes wide. Let's
- say the image you're gonna copy is 4 words (only count in words when
- using blitter) wide and 20 lines high. The WIDTH AND HEIGHT of the
- copied part will be put in the BLTSIZE-register. There are 10 bits
- for the height, and 6 bits for the width:
- %hhhhhhhhhhwwwwww (16 bits = 1 word = size of register)
- This could be a way of calculating the correct bltsize for our example:
- clr.l d0
- move.w #20,d0 ; (height)
- asl.w #6,d0 ; shift left by 6 bits
- or.w #4,d0 ; (width expressed in words)
- 20 is %0000010100, 4 is %000100, so d0 will look like this:
- %0000010100000100
- ----------......
- 20 4
- Another way of calculating the BLTSIZE is: height*64 + width
- %0100 * 2 = %1000, you see that multiplying by 2 is the same as
- shifting 1 to the left. Shifting 6 to left is the same as multi-
- plying by 64 (2^6). ASL is however much faster than MULU.
- If your blitsize is constant, you could do this calculation BEFORE
- the program, like this:
- declaration_of_constants:
- ....
- program:
- ...
- move.w BLITSIZE,$dff058 ; dff058=register for blitsize
- Please note that you must calculate this value BEFORE you put it in
- the BLTSIZE, coz when you put ANYTHING in the register, the blitter
- will start. So we HAD to do the calculations in for example D0, and
- THAN put d0 in BLTSIZE. This would not work:
- Move.w #20,$dff058
- asl.w #6,$dff058
- .....
- A write in BLTSIZE is the LAST THING you can do.
- -------
- Remember the object to be copied was 4 words wide, but it was on a
- picture of 40 bytes wide. That's where the MODULO shows up again !
- Imagine the blitter. First he reads the startaddress of our image,
- in BLTAPTH/L. That is the left side of the image. He starts copying
- words, one after another, going from left to right until it has
- copied 4 words and thus reached the right side. Then he will skip some
- bytes until he has again reached the left side of the image and then
- he'll again copy 4 words... and so on until he has copied 20 lines.
- The amount of bytes to be skipped when going from one line to another,
- is called the MODULO (see also bitplanes). Bitplanes have a modulo
- to display a picture that is wider that the monitor, blitter uses
- a modulo to copy images that are not as wide as the displayed screen.
- Blitter has a modulo for each channle A,B,C and D. This makes it
- possible to copy an image for example from a small screen onto a wide
- screen. The modulos that the blitter uses are called BLTAMOD, BLTBMOD,
- Now let's calculate the value for our example. The source screen was
- 40 bytes wide, while our object was only 4 words (=8 bytes) wide.
- After copying 8 bytes, there will be 32 bytes left to be skipped,
- so the source-modulo will be 32 !! (yes indeed, this is the amount
- of BYTES and NOT the amount of WORDS, don't ask me why)
- The destination screen was 42 bytes wide, so after copying 4 words
- onto this screen, 34 bytes will be left to skip. BLTDMOD = 34.
- (move.w #34,BLTDMOD)
- BLTCON0 (cont'd)
- -------
- As said, the miniterm are represented by bits in the BLTCON0.
- There's more to be found in this register: the USE bits, with which
- you can select which 'channels' you're gonna use: if you use only
- one source and the destination (D) you only turn on A and D.
- (the less channels you use, the faster is goes!)
- The highest 4 bits are called the BARRELSHIFTER. If for example you
- put value '5' in this register, (0101) the incoming image will be
- shifted 5 bits to the right (or left, I'm not sure). This is used
- to smoothly scroll an image, remember you could only work in steps
- of a word when using blitter ! See examples in the little demo...
- -------
- The highest 4 bits are again used as barrelshifter, but this time
- for source B. Not often used, only for bobs I think. (by the way
- bobs are pretty complicated) bits 4,3,2 and 0 are used for lines
- only. Bit 1 is the 'DESCENDING' bit. If the DESTINATION is partly
- overlapping the source, like in this small illustration:
- by writing the first values onto the destination, the source will
- be overwritten. The solution is starting at the end. If this situation
- should occur, you must set the DESCENDING bit, and you must also
- give the END addresses of the sources and destination, and blitter
- will copy the frame from end to start.
- BLTAFWM & BLTALWM (first word mask and last word mask)
- -----------------
- You can mask the start and the end of the zone you copy by using these
- registers. If you write the value %0011111111111111 into the register
- BLTAFWM, the leftmost 2 bits of each line of the copied block would
- never be set. It's like looking through a window, where only the 1's
- are made of glass. The FWM & LWM only have effect on the first word
- resp. last word, the words in between aren't effected.
- These regs aren't used often.
- In fact now you are able to write your own blitter routine. Please
- refer to the demo for practical examples. I'll now give a brief
- explanation of how bobs work. I don't expect you to be making bobs
- in the first few months, but you might also understand what it's all
- about.
- BOBS (experts only !)
- ----
- Bobs are probably the hardest stuff except for vector graphix, and
- I advise you to experiment a whole lot with blitter before starting
- with bobs.
- Bobs are pieces of graphics, that are put on a screen using the
- blitter. Unlike sprites, where the HARDWARE does all the programming,
- bobs need much programming. If you have a picture at the background,
- and you put a spaceship or something on it, the background picture
- is lost. If you then move the ship, the background needs to be
- restored. Therefore you must first save the piece of background on
- which you put the spaceship. Afterwards, you must put back this
- background so that you won't see the spaceship anymore. Sprites
- work the same way, but the hardware does it for us and you will agree
- that it is easier to work with sprites than to do it yourself.
- A special trick that is almost always used for bobs is the DOUBLE
- BUFFERING. 'refreshing' the bobs means you put the previously present
- backgrounds back on the screen (on top of the bobs), then put the
- various bobs back on their new position. The time it takes to repaint
- all the backgroundparts will grow when you have more bobs, and by the
- time all backgrouds are restored, the 1st bob will be 'gone' for
- quite a long time before you are able to put it on the new position.
- As result you will see very nasty flickering on the screen.
- That's why Double Buffering is used: There are 2 images in memory,
- and each time you refresh the bobs, you switch the images. First
- you paint the bobs on one screen while showing the other, then you
- switch the pages and you put the bobs on the first screen while
- showing the second... You won't notice the flickering on the one
- screen coz you are showing the other ! This way of working brings
- even more programming to it all, and above all, it GULPS memory !!
- As said: bobs are only for experts !!
- Another rather large problem that occurs when using bobs is the
- overlapping. A bob will consist of one or more bitplanes, which you
- must copy onto the desired spot of the screen.
- Source (the shape of the bob) is A, destination (background) is D.
- Now when you set the miniterms this way: 111,110,101,100
- this is what would happen:
- It's therefor necessary that you keep track of the background, and
- that's when the second and thirth source (B and C) come in handy.
- Your A source points to the image of your spaceship, and the B-source
- points to the background. Now you set the miniterms this way that
- the destination is lit when a bit of the spaceship is set OR a bit
- of the background is set. That's better, coz look what will happen:
- As you see, large openings in your spaceship, which in fact belong
- to the ship, and which should NOT be transparant, are transparant,
- you can see the background through it. What's worse: if you use
- more than 1 bitplane, the combination of 1's and 0's is relevant to
- get the correct color. But by using the miniterms of the previous
- example, these relevant 0's of your spaceship are not copied, the
- bits of the background in fact disturb your image, and you'll get
- wrong colors. That is why we use MASKS (not the BLTAFWM and BLTALWM,
- but OWN MASKS). This mask has the shape of our spaceship, but all bits
- are set. Like this:
- Now when we copy our spaceship onto the background, this background
- may only be visible when it is OUTSIDE our spaceship, this means,
- when the bit in our MASK IS NOT SET !! When the shape of the ship
- is in source A, and the background is in B, and te mask of the ship
- is in C, the miniterms would be the following:
- 111,110,101,100 and 010
- Explanation: If a bit in the spaceship is set, this bit must be set
- in the destination ALWAYS (111,110,101 and 100)
- ^ ^ ^ ^
- The last miniterm (010) means: when a bit in the spaceship is NOT
- set, the background may only be visible when the mask is not set.
- (=outside the spaceship)
- This way you prevent the background to be set under the shape
- of the spaceship...